Elisa Orrù

Elisa Orrù

Elisa Orrù is Associate Professor for Philosophy at the Freiburg University and Senior Researcher at the Max Planck Institute for the Study of Crime, Security and Law. Her current research interests lie in the area of practical philosophy and focus on the ethics of emerging technologies, digital security practices in the European Union, privacy, and surveillance. She is furthermore interested in the dialectic between universalism and particularism of fundamental rights and justice theories.

Elisa Orrù is Associate Professor for Philosophy at the Freiburg University and Senior Researcher at the Max Planck Institute for the Study of Crime, Security and Law. Her current research interests lie in the area of practical philosophy and focus on the ethics of emerging technologies, digital security practices in the European Union, privacy, and surveillance. She is furthermore interested in the dialectic between universalism and particularism of fundamental rights and justice theories. 

Elisa Orrù è Professore Associato di Filosofia all'Università di Friburgo e Senior Researcher presso il Max Planck Institute for the Study of Crime, Security and Law. I suoi attuali interessi di ricerca ricadono nell'area della filosofia pratica e si concentrano sull'etica delle tecnologie emergenti, sulle pratiche di sicurezza digitale nell'Unione Europea, sulla privacy e sulla sorveglianza. Si interessa inoltre alla dialettica tra universalismo e particolarismo dei diritti fondamentali e teorie della giustizia.

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